Enrollment and Permissions forms
2024-2025 Bigelow Calendar
See our calendar on Google Docs.
News and Announcements
Winter 2025 Open House
Join us on Saturday, January 25th from 10am to 12pm for an open house for…
New Classroom Enrolling Now
Bigelow Coop Daycare is excited to share our plans to re-open the Rainbow 2 classroom…
Teacher Appreciation During the Holidays
Teacher Appreciation During the Holidays Our devoted teachers work very hard year round to care…
Committee Descriptions
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee serves as an advisory committee to the administration. The committee addresses center-wide policy and governance issues and provides consideration and advice when requested by administration, staff or families. The committee consists of seven parents, one from each classroom and two at large; two teacher representatives; and the Director. The committee convenes for one 2-hour meeting once per month. This committee is not available for ranked selection, but volunteers are welcome! Please contact the Director if interested in participating on this committee.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for maintaining the center’s financial integrity. The committee assists the administration with preparing budgets, reviews and approves audited financials, and ensures that appropriate financial controls are in place. The committee includes three to four parents, one of whom is designated as the “lead.” The committee meets as needed to prepare for the annual January budget presentation, reviewing relevant documents.
Classroom Scheduling Committee
The Scheduling Committee consists of five parents, one from each classroom, with one parent designated as the “lead.” Each member must collect their classroom’s work time preferences from the Director at the beginning of the school year, and produce a work time schedule for their classroom. Each member must also create, share, and maintain their classroom’s Google groups. This committee meets as needed, communicating via email.
Website and Technology Committee
The Website and Technology Committee is tasked to advise the center on its use of technology online (including this website and the center’s social media accounts), in the office, and in the classroom, and recommend upgrades and changes as needed. The committee consists of four to five parents, one of whom is designated at the “lead,” who have the specialized skills needed to provide support and guidance. They work with the External Communications and Marketing Committee when reviewing the center’s social media content. Meets as needed semi-annually.
External Communications and Marketing Committee
This committee carries out all marketing and external communication for the daycare center. The committee consists of three to four parents, one of whom is designated as the “lead.” The committee works in conjunction with the Assistant Director and the Website/Technology Committee to disseminate information about the center to the general public and to members of our community regarding programs and events, and maintains Bigelow’s presence on social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, etc. This committee is also responsible for creating and sharing Bigelow’s internal monthly community newsletter. This committee meets as needed, communicating via email.
Food and Paper Goods Committee
The Food/Paper Goods Committee consists of five to six parents, one from each classroom, with two parents designated as “leads.” This committee is responsible for putting together the shopping list for the center, and for purchasing all food and paper goods. Food shopping is done weekly, and BJ’s shopping for other items is done monthly. This committee makes recommendations to the community and to the Director on nutrition issues, and works closely with the bookkeeper and the Finance Committee to stay within our food/paper goods budget. Committee leads develop a food and paper goods list for all members of the committee to access, and works in conjunction with the Director to coordinate the purchase of food and paper goods for the center. This committee meets as needed, communicating via email.
Community Events and Fundraising Committee
This committee is responsible for fundraising for the center, and for planning special events for the Bigelow community. It consists of eight to nine parents, with two parents designated as “leads.” Committee members are responsible for organizing social events that build community, and fundraising activities that support the center’s mission and enable economic diversity. Previous events include: a Halloween Party, Holiday Craft Fair, yard sale, raffle, Spring Festival, a silent auction, a bake sale, a Bigelow Coop T-shirt sale, greeting cards/calendars/magnets featuring children’s art work, candle sales, a spring fund drive, and an end-of-year donation drive. This committee is responsible for coordinating fundraising efforts with the goal of raising a specific dollar amount that is set in the budget each year. This committee meets as needed, communicating via email.
Physical Space Committee
This committee oversees the on-going maintenance and improvements of both the indoor and outdoor physical spaces of the center. The committee also coordinates the school’s two Clean-up Days per year, which involves ordering and purchasing supplies, organizing a task list, and assigning tasks to participants as needed. The committee consists of six to ten parents, with two designated as “leads.” Committee responsibilities include: minor repairs, upkeep, painting, etc. (but not routine cleaning, which is carried out by our cleaning service). The committee is required to keep our physical space in compliance with EEC rules and regulations and to respond to repair requests in a timely manner. This committee meets as needed, communicating via email.
Hiring Committee
This committee assists the Director with hiring new, full-time staff members, and works to improve the retention of current staff. The committee consists of five to ten parents, one of whom is designated the “lead.” The committee is new, so its responsibilities may evolve as the year progresses. Current responsibilities include: coordinating job postings for open full-time and substitute positions, reviewing resumés and coordinating interviews of promising candidates, participating in panel interviews and organizing parent participation in the interview process, assessing staff satisfaction and ensuring competitive salaries, and assisting Dawn and Marcia with other administrative tasks when hiring demand is slow. This committee meets as needed, communicating via email.